Pulgas Pandas ready their turkey tennis tournament

One of the most traditional tennis tournaments in Aguascalientes is the Turkey Tournament organized by the Pulgas Pandas club. On this occasion, the tournament will take place from December 10 to 18 and all amateur categories will be available in both branches, but only in singles mode.
As it only has the singles modality, the competition system will be round robin and the first matches of the men’s branch will be played this Saturday, December 10 and Sunday, December 12, while, in the middle of the week, the games of the women’s branch and some pending meetings of the men’s.
The final phase of each category will be played until Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th of this month, where quite interesting duels are expected with the participation of several and several of the best tennis players in Aguascalientes.
The registration cost is $350 pesos per person and registration will close this Thursday, December 8 at 4:00 in the afternoon. Those interested who want to participate in the tournament can approach the coach of their respective club or go directly to Pulgas Pandas with Professor Juan Carlos Suárez.
As for the awards, a turkey will be given to the champions and finalists of each category and branch, taking into account that the award ceremony will be until Sunday, December 18 when all the matches are over.


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