Public vaccination centers in Saxony-Anhalt close at the end of the year – the medical profession guarantees vaccination offers – you are Halle

In the future, the corona vaccinations in Saxony-Anhalt will be offered mainly by the resident doctors. The public vaccination offers in the districts and urban districts will be discontinued at the end of the year. The background is the expiring partial funding of the vaccination centers by the federal government. In addition, the demand in the public vaccination centers has recently declined. Around 90 percent of the corona vaccinations in Saxony-Anhalt are already being carried out by general practitioners and specialist practices. With the closure of the public vaccination centers, the mobile vaccination teams will also discontinue their offers.

Since the start of the vaccination campaign at the end of December 2020, 4.66 million corona vaccinations have been administered in Saxony-Anhalt, more than 2 million of them in the state’s public vaccination centers. 74.1 percent of the population received basic immunization, the rate for booster vaccinations is 58.4 percent.

At the beginning of the vaccination campaign, the vaccination centers with their large capacities relieved the medical practitioners. The family doctor and specialist practices have been involved in the vaccination campaign since April 2021 and have been offering corona vaccinations ever since. In the further course, further service providers were involved. In addition to hospitals (since September 2021) and rehabilitation facilities (since October 2021), pharmacies and dentists have recently been able to carry out corona vaccinations. A sufficient range of vaccinations will therefore continue to be guaranteed.

The public vaccination infrastructure in Saxony-Anhalt was originally supposed to remain in place until February. However, since the federal government has announced that financial participation by the federal government is not possible beyond December 31, 2022, the plans for the vaccination centers in Saxony-Anhalt must also be adjusted. In accordance with the current demand, the vaccination offers have already been reduced to a minimum or completely discontinued in many places. Future vaccination prospects are advised to contact their general practitioner or specialist. If no corona vaccinations are carried out there, the possibility exists via the website of the Saxony-Anhalt Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians> view a district-related overview of appropriate vaccination doctors. In addition, interested citizens can visit the website Find pharmacies that offer vaccinations against COVID-19.


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