Prestigious DT led the Yacyretá basketball clinic in Corrientes

The Yacyretá Binational Entity (EBY) developed two days of basketball clinics last week in the capital of Corrientes that were led by the former technical director of the Argentine Women’s Basketball Team, Cristian Santander, and accompanied by the president of the Board of Directors of Yacyretá, Ana Almirón.

The theoretical and practical training sessions were given to more than a hundred boys and girls, and took place in the covered stadium of the Don Bosco Basketball School, at the Pío XI Institute.

It is the second time that the EBY displays basketball days in the province with Cristian Santander coordinating them. The first was in Esquina, one of the cradles of sports in the province, and on this second occasion, accompanied by the players Yaneth Román and Serena Bessaso.

Students from more than nine clubs in the Capital participated in the clinics, as well as teachers, coaches, players from the region who took advantage of the coach’s classes dedicated to each group. Ball handling, development of defense and attack, rebounding and development 1 vs 1, were some of the items addressed by Santander in the days.

Regarding the clinics, Ana Almirón stressed the importance of bringing the complementary and socio-sporting activities carried out by the Entity closer to the people of Corrientes. “For me it is always a pride to be with Yacyretá in each city of our province, I believe that reparation and compensation with the people of Corrientes must be built in all aspects,” she indicated.

He also stressed the importance of bringing a technical director “of the stature of Cristian Santander who knew how to transfer his experience to the boys and girls of our city,” Almirón said.

The counselor announced that these activities will be repeated next year in other cities in Corrientes.


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