Pelé’s daughter posts bedside photo – “One more night together”

Sport football idol

Pelé’s daughter posts bedside photo – “One more night together”


ARCHIVE – December 1, 2017, Russia, Moscow: Brazil’s Pele takes part in the draw for the 2018 FIFA World Cup at the Kremlin in Moscow. (to dpa: “Health of football-legend Pelé further deteriorated ») Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Source: dpa/Alexander Zemlianichenko

Pelé’s health has deteriorated again in recent days. Now his daughter Kely Nascimento posted a photo of the Brazilian football legend’s sickbed.

Dhe daughter of Brazil’s soccer idol Pelé has published a photo of the three-time world champion, whose health has deteriorated again in recent days. The picture shows the 82-year-old in bed, holding his daughter Kely Nascimento in his arms. “We carry on here, in struggle and in faith. One more night together,” she wrote in her post on Instagram on Saturday night.

The Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo announced on Wednesday that Pele’s cancer was progressing and that he needed more intensive care due to kidney and heart problems. The football legend has been in the hospital since November 29 to adjust chemotherapy for a colon tumor. According to media reports, Pelé’s chemotherapy has recently failed.

Brazil soccer star Neymar paid tribute to Pelé in a video that Kely Nascimento posted on Instagram. “As you know, Pelé is part of my story,” said Neymar, among other things. The Paris Saint-Germain attacker said he had been nominated by a sponsor to honor Pele with a trophy as a “player of history”. There is only one such player. “King, our love and respect for you,” said Neymar.

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With Brazil’s selection, the 30-year-old was eliminated in Qatar in the quarter-finals of the World Cup. The record world champion missed winning the sixth title.


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