Monein: a pump track and a 3X3 basketball will be installed at the sports complex

Time slots for these different users were unanimously approved, leaving free time for all other audiences. This agreement is necessary to obtain subsidies from the ANS (National Sports Agency). Both facilities will find their way into the sports complex in the coming months.

The CCAS in the old treasury

In addition, the CCAS offices will move to the premises of the former treasury. The municipality owns the building and there is a desire on the part of the municipality to use it and to have premises to ensure the permanence of State services.

The population census was the subject of the recruitment of 9 agents who will work from January 19 to February 18. Two half-days of training are planned for these enumerators.

The editorial staff advises you

The various amending decisions on the general budget and the sanitation budget were approved unanimously. The allocation of compensation between the CCLO and the municipality of Monein sees the latter benefiting from an envelope of €411,598, an increase of €41,155 compared to 2021.

A logging list proposed by the ONF in the Monein forest was adopted unanimously. Finally, the job board for the year 2023 has been reviewed and corrected according to staffing needs.

A miniature reproduction of the framework of the Saint Girons church

An exceptional subsidy of €2,000 was voted for the Compagnons du Devoir and the Tour de France, for the production of a miniature reproduction of the framework of the Saint Girons church.
Its construction should be completed by the end of March.


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