LIVE. Restless again in Brussels and Antwerp after World Cup match: police intervene firmly against amok makers

For the first time, an African country reached the semi-finals of the World Cup with Morocco. The Moroccan community in Brussels and Antwerp hoped for a new chapter in their fairy tale, but it was not to be. In the meantime, the police are bracing themselves: Morocco’s previous matches always ended in riots. Follow everything LIVE here.

    • At 8 p.m. France – Morocco, World Cup semi-final in Qatar
    • The Moroccan community in Brussels, Antwerp and elsewhere in our country hopes for victory and a gigantic popular party
    • Police are prepared for any new riots
  • With a cordon of agents and a water cannon, any rioters are driven back.

  • The supporters return to the street after the final whistle and it is immediately restless. Fireworks are set off on the Lemmonierlaan, also towards the police. Agents in combat gear spring into action immediately.

  • Police bring the water cannon closer to extinguish the fire.

  • A new Moroccan party on the Turnhoutsebaan seems to be missing. Disappointed fans who return home following the match in one of the many tea houses. Here and there a bomb explodes and on the Turnhoutsebaan the police have to act here and there.

    A number of concerned mothers try to stop young people dressed completely in black. “We don’t like this, write it down! They really have no respect,” it sounds.

  • Despite

    They may have lost, but the Moroccan fans in Brussels are clearly proud of their national team.

  • Anticlimax for the Moroccan community in Antwerp. The Moroccan eleven lose to France, disappointed fans explode bombs on the Turnhoutsebaan in Borgerhout.

  • Applause from the fans for their heroes

  • Desperation in Morocco

    Moroccan fans realize it: their country’s World Cup is over.

  • The Moroccan hope, which was still alive for a long time, is finally crushed with the second French goal. While Emmanuel Macron applauds with a smile, disappointed fans in Majestic on the Turnhoutsebaan immediately descend.

  • 2-0 for France

    The dream of Morocco seems to be over. Ten minutes to play and France lead 2-0.

  • In restaurant Macchiato in the Abdijstraat on the Kiel, the tension can be cut

  • Moroccan hope remains: “Everything is possible in football”

    The manager of Majestic on the Turnhoutsebaan in Borgerhout does not dare to comment on Morocco’s chances. “France is a world team and has much more experience than our guys. But anything is possible in football, we have already proven that enough in this tournament.”

  • Biting nails with the Moroccan fans in café Tetouan

  • The police are present in Brussels, but the streets remain empty. Logical: the second half is in full swing. Score: 1-0 for France.

  • The tranquility is used to create atmosphere in the Abdijstraat on the Kiel. This cheerful group of women is having a party, despite the backlog.


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