Letter to the editor: “It’s getting tight in Grein!”

Letter to the editor on the planned construction project in downtown Greiner by Helma Kleinbruckner

Many thanks to the editors of the BezirksRundSchau, which is also very committed to dealing with the concerns of ordinary citizens. So you can look forward to true-to-life, well-researched reporting.
Despite the mayor’s assurance that the long overdue development plan will be drawn up, one of the new major projects should now (quickly) be allowed to be built without any concessions to the old town image. A shield prank?
1,500 signatures against this gigantomania were handed over by the citizens’ initiative “Grein revitalize and preserve”, they are ignored.
It is gratifying that the opposition parties in the Greiner municipal council are now speaking out against four-storey building blocks with flat roofs and are thus clearly standing up for the protection of our beautiful city!

Helma Kleinbruckner, Article

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Report on the subject:

Greiner SPÖ and FPÖ rebuffed


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