Lakers interested in DeMar DeRozan and Nikola Vucevic?

According to our cousin who is on Erasmus in Los Angeles, Rob Pelinka’s office stays lit all night at the moment. The general manager and his minions are in the oven and in the mill preparing for all eventualities and rumors. The latest, a trade with the Bulls to finally get their hands on DeMar DeRozan and Nikola Vucevic in exchange for Russell Westbrook.

What do transfer rumors and snow have in common? Both are usually announced long weeks in advance and arrive en masse from December. On the Los Angeles side, don’t worry, the snowflakes aren’t likely to fall unless the town hall decides to open a ski slope on the Venice Beach side, but that’s none of our business. Instead of the white coat, rumors of trades have been pouring down in recent days in the City of Angels. Rob Pelinka has a three-part plan for his dissertation that aims to get as much help as possible to LeBron James and Anthony Davis, and the last possibility should help them well.

Faucet’s particular partner for this exchange is on the other side of the country, specifically in Chicago. The Bulls have looked more like bulls since the start of the season and they are in twelfth place in the East with 9 wins for 13 losses. Zach LaVine is grumpy, Lonzo Ball is still squatting in the infirmary and the Bulls’ momentum seems to have disappeared since the failed end of the season and the elimination in the first round of the Playoffs.

What make you want to change everything on the shores of Lake Michigan? Hard to say but in any case at the Lakers we say to ourselves that there may be an opening. In his podcast, the insider ofESPN Zach Lowe assured that the Angelinos had discussed internally the possibility of a trade who would send Russell Westbrook along with the first two rounds of the 2027 and 2029 Draft in exchange for DeMar DeRozan and Nikola Vucevic.

“The trade I saw on Twitter was for Russ and the two draft rounds, including one with light protection, against DeRozan and Vucevic. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the Lakers have had internal discussions about this possibility, should it ever arise. »

We know the song, no smoke without fire, no feathers without birds and therefore no rumors without trades? Whatever, the opportunity, in the short term, would be very nice for the Lakers who would recover two elements that could give them a big hand. Vucevic would densify the racket and bring his points and his solidity, as for DeMar DeRozan he would finally play at home with a real chance of a ring at the end of the ball. We’re also talking about a guy who carried the Bulls all last season and who averages 25.8 points in his first 22 games. Certainly, he would become the third thief of which all La La Land dreams. Russell Westbrook would put his bags – already ready for ages – in Chicago, but certainly not for very long. By carrying out this trade, the Bulls would in any case draw a line under their Playoffs project started not so long ago to favor a new reconstruction based in particular on the two picks of the Lakers. Suffice to say that Benny The Bull would take control of the tank.

While his little proteges do the job in the field, Rob Pelinka also remembers that he must justify his salary. The GM of the Lakers begins to get into action and the first sparks fly from his firestone. The fire is planned after December 15, but the fanbase of Angelina already imagines watching a new super team… be careful, we know how it ended the last times.

Source texte : The Lowe Post


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