“I’m sorry, but this is the new Frank Ntilikina”

When we use Frank Ntilikina for a comparison in the NBA, it is unfortunately not often to be complimentary. It’s cruel for the leader of Dallas, but also for a nugget who was badly tackled recently. It must be said that his start to the season is delicate.

The Knicks being a legendary franchise, making your pro debut there is never easy. This lesson, Frank Ntilikina learned it in a very cruel way when the New York team drafted him in 2017. In four years and just over 200 games, the Frenchman has never managed to really impose himself and develop his game. , not helped it is true by a dubious coaching which multiplied the mistakes in the position of leader. The lack of aggressiveness of the former SIG in attack had however not helped either.

Now at the Mavs, the Habs no longer have to live with the incessant criticism from the Gotham public, who expected much more of him than that of Texas. This role is now more reserved for another NY nugget, namely Quentin Grimes. The young guard delivers a fairly average start to the season and in a city like the Big Apple, it pays off immediately. A fan of the franchise sent him a missile which also serves as a stray bullet to Franky Smokes:

Quentin Grimes overwhelmed by Knicks fans

I’m sorry, but Grimes is just the new Frank Ntilikina

As a reminder, Grimes is averaging 5.6 points and 2.8 rebounds this season. It’s a little worse in scoring than in 2021-22 when he signed 6 units per game, while his playing time increased (21 minutes against 17). Apart from a 16-pawn exit a few days ago against the weak Pistons, he has only reached the 10-point mark once in 2022-23. All while having fairly mediocre percentages (44% shooting including 27% from afar).

However, this is not just any player in New York, as many were demanding that he become a starter instead of Evan Fournier, after the disastrous start to the season for the leader of the Blues. Except that an injury caused him to miss the first 6 meetings and that he even missed 10 out of 24. A temporary air pocket? In any case, this is the opinion of many Knickerbockers supporters who came to his aid:

That’s terrible advice…Frank wished he had Grimes’ offensive repertoire. He’s just going through a rough patch

For now, Quentin Grimes is still a Madison Square Garden darling. But if he doesn’t raise the bar quickly, the guard could quickly experience the same misfortune at the Knicks as his predecessor Frank Ntilikina…


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