“I try to score the maximum goals so that Girona decides for me”

Leaving Corbins, a small town in Segrià, to try to make a career at Girona was difficult for Sergi Solans (2003), but at the same time the best decision he could make to discover himself as a footballer. The desire to improve every day does not stop him. For this reason, he bet, advised by Àlex Marsal, to go on loan to Peralada and demonstrate his talent with minutes · The forward from Lleida of the white-and-red club takes advantage of the transfer to Peralada and is exploiting as a goalscorer in his first experience in 3rd Federation: has scored five goals so far.

When he signed for Girona in the summer of 2019, it was the first time he had left Lleida. Was it very hard to leave home?

When a big club comes to you, you always say yes. It was the first time that an opportunity like this came to me and when my representative told me about it I couldn’t refuse it. However, the first months were very hard without having the family by my side. I had never left home, just to go to Ireland to study, and I remember that we started the season early, in July. I was coming for a dream that I didn’t know how it would go. But I’m not in favor of keeping the spinet. At Girona they taught me to get all my energy out of football. Before I might have done it by being in a bad mood with my parents, but now I know how to express myself and leave it all on the pitch.

Was it good at the Les Hortes residence?

A lot. First I talked to players who were already there and they told me that it was a normal and ordinary place, humble and without any luxury, but that it had everything necessary and essential to be perfect. I can’t complain about anything the whole time I was there.

Now he has become independent and shares a flat with colleagues from Peralada. It must have been big, the change.

(River). I had to freak out in all aspects. Especially when cooking.

In the summer they bet with Girona for the transfer to Peralada. Àlex Marsal (former coach of the youth A blanc-i-vermell) was key in the operation?

Yes. I had a very good relationship with him last year and when we finished the season he called me to tell me that he was going to Peralada, that he trusted me and that he wanted me to go there. Since they were not clear at Girona if I would go up to the subsidiary or what would happen to me, we believed that the best option was to leave on loan.

But both Peralada and Girona B play in the 3rd Federation.

It was complicated because Girona didn’t tell us anything 100% certain. First I had to do the pre-season with the subsidiary and then they would assess, but what I wanted was to have minutes. I needed it because last season I wasn’t doing very well because I was coming off an injury. I don’t know if it would have cost me more at Girona B because of everything Girona means, with more pressure, and we thought that at Peralada I was presented with a nice challenge.

How was the reception at Peralada?

Very good, really. I went there with a little fear because we have a very wide squad, with players who have a lot of experience and who are 10-15 years behind me, but everything has been made easy for me to adapt perfectly without noticing that I am the smallest of all Peralada has a good team, it’s a family club and I get on very well with everyone. I can’t complain about anything. The coaches just give me opportunities and luckily I can take advantage of them. All are good words.

At Girona, he was promoted from youth B to A, but perhaps he had never had such an age difference with his teammates.

The experience they can have Alan Baró, John Thomas, Lluís Micaló o serge romero, for example, who are proven people in the world of football, they help me a lot to grow as a footballer. I remember last Sunday when I scored at the town, Alan approached me to say and repeat to me: ‘Above all humility’. These are things that stick with you and when you play you think about them.

Did he imagine that things would go so well for the team (champagnes are 3rd with 21 points)?

We started with two wins, but then we dropped points on difficult pitches and also at home. We are very good now and we have to take advantage of this streak.

The play-off is this a real goal?

Yes. I believe in it. We have a squad with very good players, who know exactly what we have to do in this category. If we continue like this, we can have a great season. We don’t put a ceiling on ourselves.

The streak that has propelled them to the classification began precisely with a victory in the derby in Riudarenes. Was it strange for him to face Lluc Matas, Óscar Ureña, Dawda Camara..?

It was the game I wanted to play the most. I wanted to show, on the other hand, that I was excited to meet my teammates wearing another jersey and fighting to win. It was a very contested match.

Does he take much into account that Girona is following him? He has a contract until 2024.

Yes, but it’s normal because I’m on loan and they have to. I just worry about getting better every day. We’ll see what happens next season.

Last year he scored 4 goals with the youth A and this one already has 5. Has a figure been set?

No. I try to score as many goals as possible to help the team in any way and to open the doors for me so that Girona will then decide for me. If I score more than 10 goals it would be a perfect season and if there are less then nothing would happen either.


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