I drew, the reason for his silver dyeing and to whom he dedicates the shortcut

“We made a promise with Peezella, Guido Rodríguez and the Egg, thank God it was fulfilled and I did not fail. The promise remains between us, haha”. Dibu Martínez told after the 2-1 suffered against Australia the secret of his Argentine flag in his head, in his hair, that game with his teammates. Of course that is pure color, behind that there is a goalkeeper who covered what was 2-2 for Australia in the seventh minute of injury time and who made the fans enjoy.


Dibu Martinez – 3-12-2022

Dibu Martínez save

With an open heart, the undisputed goalkeeper for everyone told what he feels in his first World Cup. And he put himself in the place of the people: “What suffering to have a very controlled game and for that shot to arrive, that bucket of cold water (Australia’s goal). The two-meter big man came to the match, Licha (Martínez) It was spectacular. Thank God I was able to help at the end.

The celebration in the end for the tremendous save.

“We ended up suffering and there you can see the team, being brave. Some warriors, we took one more step. I love the Argentine people, I have a connection and I dedicate this save to all of them.”

“Obviously it’s my first World Cup, I’m calm and I value it. We played against a great rival, this Australia was very fierce,” he explained. And he already spoke of the Netherlands, rival on Friday at 4:00 p.m., on a national holiday: “A selection with much more technical quality is coming.”

And finally he spoke about Messi: “It’s a bit what Leo generates, we see him with so much enthusiasm, taking us forward. And both the defense and I have to help him.”

Emiliano Martinez makes the save of the classificationEmiliano Martinez makes the save of the classification


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