Home of Saitama Seibu Lions “Belluna Dome” Mizuno baseball-specific artificial turf “MS CRAFT BASEBALL TURF-V” with about 1.7 times higher pile strength | Mizuno Corporation Press Release

“MS CRAFT BASEBALL TURF-V” is a new product for 2022 developed with the aim of improving the playing performance of players by improving durability and reducing the environmental burden, and this is the first time it has been offered to a professional baseball stadium. The “MS CRAFT BASEBALL TURF” series has been introduced at professional baseball stadiums all over Japan, and has the top market share*.

* As a result of introducing artificial turf for grounds and facilities used by professional baseball

Baseball artificial turf “MS CRAFT BASEBALL TURF” site


“MS CRAFT BASEBALL TURF-V” increases the pile thickness from 280㎛ to 400㎛, which improves durability, long-term stability, shock absorption, and aesthetics. This can be expected to reduce environmental impact and improve play performance.

Saitama Seibu Lions player Takumi Kuriyama’s comment

When I practiced for the first time in 2016 after the artificial turf was put up, it was easy to charge up defensively and I felt like I could hit the ball hard. I heard that the performance of the same Mizuno artificial turf has improved this time, so I’m happy to be able to play in a good environment next season. I am looking forward to playing in front of the fans in a new environment under the new coach Matsui!

Environment-friendly artificial turf “MS CRAFT” series

Mizuno sells the “MS CRAFT” series, which is made by specially crimping the pile of artificial grass (Mizuno Spiral Technology). The special crimping process reduces pile tearing and suppresses scattering and outflow of filler rubber chips, etc., contributing to the suppression of outflow of microplastics.

(Image diagram)

In recent years, with the increase in sales and use of artificial turf, the prevention of the outflow of microplastics derived from artificial turf into the ocean has been emphasized, and local governments and companies have begun to take environmental measures.
The “MS CRAFT BASEBALL TURF-V” to be sold this time is an artificial turf whose pile strength is approximately 1.7 times higher than conventional products, so it can be expected to further suppress the outflow of microplastics.
Going forward, we will continue to promote SDGs activities in the field of sports fields in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

▼ About Mizuno’s SDGs activities in the field of sports fields

(Customer contact)
Mizuno Customer Service Center TEL: 0120-320-799


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