Guro-gu, 2023 Year of the Cat Sunrise Event Held in Maebongsanseo in 3 Years

Sunrise viewed from Maebongsan Mountain (provided by Guro-gu).
Sunrise viewed from Maebongsan Mountain (provided by Guro-gu).

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Jeon Jun-woo = Guro-gu, Seoul announced on the 27th that it will hold the ‘2023 Year of the Cat Sunrise Event’ at Maebongsan Mountain on January 1 next year. The sunrise event is the first in three years since 2020.

On the 1st, from 7:00 am, pre-ceremony events such as distributing handkerchiefs of hope and sharing hot tea will be held at the pine nut saving water badminton court.

Afterwards, when you climb to the top of Maebongsan Mountain, various New Year events such as △New Year’s blessings △congratulatory poem reading △riding on a drum △appreciating the rising sun △waving a handkerchief of hope △congratulatory performances are held.

As an additional event, a rabbit character photo zone symbolizing the Year of the Cat is installed and operated at the entrance of Maebongsan Mountain from 7:00 am to 9:00 am, and a space for writing and posting New Year’s wishes is also being prepared.

As it is the first sunrise event in three years, the district plans to focus its efforts on safety management.

Prior to the event, a safety management countermeasure meeting and a preliminary site visit are held, and cooperation with related organizations such as the police station and fire station is strengthened in preparation for large crowds.

It was decided to place a number of guides at each major point in the section from the starting point to the top of Maebongsan Mountain, and to remove risk factors on the hiking trail and summit in advance.

In addition, from the night before the event to the end of the event, illegal parking is enforced on the access road to the event site (Southern Beltway – Gaebong Middle School) and in front of the main gate of Gaebong Middle School.

An official from Guro-gu said, “We will make thorough preparations so that residents can enjoy the first sunrise event in a safer and more enjoyable way.”

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