Griezmann and the Blues turned to Argentina

Elected man of the match, Antoine Griezmann looks back on the French victory over Morocco, Wednesday, at the Al-Bayt stadium.

Special envoy to Al-Khor

On the final against Argentina : “It will be an exceptional match, against a great team. Leo (Messi) is the best in the world. Argentina are a very good team, the players all work together, they worked very well with (Lionel) Scaloni. It is up to us to prepare well for this meeting tomorrow.”

Lionel Messi “We know he’s in great shape, not just in yesterday’s match (the first semi-final). It is a very good competition. The Argentina team too. It will be a great match to play and to see, a great final.”

In pain against Morocco “We know it’s complicated, it’s a World Cup semi-final. Technically they are above average, they have worked very well tactically too, they know what they are playing. At the start of the second half, we had a lot of trouble, the coach saw it and changed that tactically, it did us good. And the fact of having scored the second, it put us in safety.

We suffered, it feels good to suffer.

Antoine Griezmann

pleasure in pain “Yes, we see teammates who want to, who don’t give up, who continue to fight even if it’s complicated. Afterwards, with the ball, no one is hiding. It is exceptional what we are doing. We have a very good competition. But there is still one game, the most important. Focus on Sunday.”

Joy… but not too much : “Already turned to the sequel? Yes that’s it. A final to play, the most beautiful match in the world! 90 minutes in which you will have to give everything. Players are aware of this. We will have to recover well tomorrow.”

Plus the ball to win against Argentina “Maybe… We’ll see how to defend, how to attack against them. There will be times when we don’t have the ball. You will have to know how to do it, work on it and do it badly, as you know how to do. Today we suffered, it feels good to suffer, there is no easy match.

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