Great atmosphere and great emotions were experienced in Judotechnical Cup 2022

Great atmosphere and great emotions were experienced in Judotechnical Cup 2022

Great atmosphere and great emotions were experienced in Judotechnical Cup 2022

With a great atmosphere of emotions, joy and high-level competitions, the 2022 Judotechnics Cup was held, the highest interclub tournament in the Mexican Republic, which included special prior training with a coach from the Mexican Judo Team.

The activities of this great event began on the afternoon of Friday, December 16 at the Deportivo “Hermanos Galeana” gym, in the Gustavo A. Madero City Hall, Mexico City (CDMX), with the registration and delivery of souvenirs to the first 350 Competitors from at least 15 states of the country, as part of the gifts that are delivered in each issue of the Judotechnical Cup.

Another extra for the judokas was special training with Professor Germán Ayala, coach of the Mexican Judo Team, who had just arrived from the Grand Slam and International Camp in Japan, who shared part of his experiences acquired in the country. of the rising sun

For this session, the coach highlighted the discipline and etiquette that all judoka must have on the mat, as well as the determination to do each practice with determination to raise their technical level.

In this regard, Sensei Germán Ayala commented that the class focused on gripping techniques to control the opponent, as well as foot and floor exercises, as well as a few minutes of practice with free or randori techniques, so that the practitioners could polish some techniques to apply during competitions.

Judotechnics Cup 2022

By Saturday the 17th, activities began early, with the arrival of different teams from at least 15 states in the country, including Baja California, Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Chihuahua, Querétaro, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Morelos, the State of Mexico, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Veracruz, Chiapas, Yucatán, Michoacán and the 16 CDMX mayors, among others.

One aspect to highlight was the large number of children from the different clubs who began their warm-ups on the four tatami areas, so that the competitors from the cadet, youth and first force categories would later pass.

After a few minutes of exercise, the inauguration ceremony took place, in which Professor Manuel Larraga, former president of the Mexican Judo Federation and the Pan-American Confederation of the discipline, were present.

Likewise, Salvador Morales Pérez, director of Quality for Sports of the CDMX Sports Institute (INDEPORTE), was present, with Professor Jesús Rosas González, organizer of the 2022 Judotechnics Cup, in charge of welcoming all the coaches and competitors from different clubs.

Once the protocol act was over, the competitions began, with the children’s categories being in charge of igniting the adrenaline and emotions of the combats.

Without any pause, the competitions took place in the four tatami areas, where the shouts and applause of support from the different teams, coaches, moms, dads and relatives of the judokas made the gym vibrate.

The competitions of the 2022 Judotechnics Cup lasted until late at night with the competitions of the adult categories until, finally, they concluded so that the sum of points obtained by the clubs of the different states was given, being the judokas of Nuevo León who took the title of champions.

The second place went to the clubs from the State of Chiapas, while Yucatán kept the third place trophy.

Regarding this great event, Salvador Morales Pérez, Quality Director for Sport of INDEPORTE CDMX, visibly moved by the 2022 Judotechnics Cup, said he was happy about the number of clubs and competitors from different states of the country.

“It gives us joy that they come from various states of the Mexican Republic to this event, which could be said to be a National Championship, and it is a pride to receive them in Mexico City.”

“We see that several clubs from different states come with a lot of people. We are very pleased that these types of tournaments are being held, that they are preparing for the next competitions in 2023 ”.

The manager commented that this type of event makes athletes close the year well and prepare for the next competitions which, in the case of CDMX, will be the Mexico City Games and then the CONADE National Games.

The Quality for Sport director considered that this type of event should be held at least once a month, since with this the practitioners would be preparing throughout the year for each competition.

We are aware that this tournament is the maximum at the inter-club level and we are proud that it takes place in this Mayor’s Office of Gustavo A. Madero, in our city, that we are hosting and participating in these tournaments and it is good that they continue to be held in Mexico City.

Finally, Salvador Morales Pérez highlighted the great atmosphere of all those present, as well as the organization of the Judotechnical Cup 2022.

“The atmosphere is great, seeing all the families, coaches and competitors, everything well organized with the medical staff, judges and, in particular, the joy of the children for winning a trophy and the parents very excited to see their children compete ”.

Photos: ©Martial Arts Trail / Roberto Balderas Armendáriz. Photos winning teams: Courtesy.


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