Gailtal Journal – Emergency call 142: Talking helps

For 45 years, the Carinthian telephone counseling service (TS) has been offering an open ear to all people in emergency and crisis situations. Around 85 competently trained, voluntary employees are available around the clock for all those seeking help on the free number 142. “Somehow after the last few years I’m scared of what’s still to come.” “Hopefully the year 2023 won’t bring more catastrophes!” – Sentences like these have been heard by the telephone counseling staff more often on the phone lately.

“Fear and a lack of hope and prospects characterize people’s everyday lives and are now taking up a lot of space just before the turn of the year. After the long, uncertain time with Corona, you can now feel the fears for the future, which are also influenced by the Ukraine war, the climate crisis, but also the massive price increases,” says TS leader Barbara Ogris.

The boys write and are particularly burdened

This development is particularly visible in online advice, where the high proportion of young people is particularly affected. By November 30, 2022, there were 8,583 inquiries via the online consultation throughout Austria. Almost half of all inquiries via email (47 percent) and chat (53 percent) come from ten to 29 year olds, which shows that this group seems to be particularly stressed at the moment.

Ogris: “If you look at the topics that particularly concern young people, crises, mental illnesses and violence are the main topics in almost a quarter of the emails and chats.” 11 p.m. Chat advisors are available for those seeking advice, everyone is invited to write their worries off their chests. In addition, it is always possible to receive advice via e-mail.

Young people seem particularly stressed: almost half of all inquiries via email and chat come from ten to 29 year olds. (c) Daniel Gollner/Caritas

Problem loneliness and worry about family conflicts

In addition to the worries of the past year, the Christmas season with its special challenges is just around the corner. Loneliness is a particular burden for many people. “So some have to spend the so-called family celebration and the merry Christmas season alone and suffer from the isolation on and before these special days.

Some are celebrating this Christmas for the first time without a loved one or family member and are feeling great sadness. Others, on the other hand, are already worried about escalations for the upcoming holidays due to family conflicts Ogris from experience.

24/7 help, anonymous and free

Under the motto “Talking or writing helps”, she invites those seeking advice to contact the telephone counseling service anonymously. This is available around the clock free of charge to all people who are looking for an open ear and human contact. Even during the Christmas holidays, anyone who wants to write or talk about their needs can contact the telephone counseling service. Their employees are at their side in a sensitive, (explaining) explanatory and encouraging manner. They listen, read along, look for solutions in individual situations together, advise those seeking help and pass on important information about offers of help.

Tips for a successful party

What to do to make Christmas a success? Telephone pastoral director Ogris: “It can be helpful to reduce the pressure and expectations of the festival and also to leave room for possible conflicts. Taking the pressure off of having to be perfect and radiant at Christmas, lowering your own expectations and also taking a little break in between makes it easier to deal with this special time of the year.”

Help available here

Telephone advice on the emergency number: 142; Chat and mail advice:;;


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