Formula 1 now punishes unauthorized political messages

Sport Motorsport

Formula 1 now punishes unauthorized political messages

Lewis Hamilton wore a protest note on his shirt in memory of the black American Breonna Taylor in Mugello in 2020

Lewis Hamilton wore a protest note on his shirt in memory of the black American Breonna Taylor in Mugello in 2020

Those: pa/Hasan Bratic

So far, Formula 1 has been a place where drivers could protest against existing injustice or grievances without any major problems. But that should be a thing of the past. The regulatory authority wants to crack down.

DFormula 1 takes action against the drivers’ political messages. The regulatory authority Fia has made an adjustment to its regulations. Point 12.2.1.n of the International Sports Regulations will in future constitute a violation of “political, religious and personal statements or comments” without prior approval.

In particular, record world champions Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel have caused a stir in the past with their political statements. For example, ahead of the 2021 Hungarian Grand Prix, Vettel wore a rainbow-colored T-shirt that read “Same Love” to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community, i.e. people with different identities and sexual orientations. The German was warned for the action before the national anthem was played.

What will become of Hamilton’s fight against racism?

Hamilton wore a t-shirt that read “Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor” after his Mugello win in 2020. The Englishman recalled the black American woman who had been shot dead by police officers during an operation in her house months earlier. The Fia then prohibited the visible wearing of T-shirts on the winners’ podium.

Political messages on the race track are prohibited by the regulatory authority in principle. However, since the beginning of 2020, the association has also permitted gestures in support of the fight against racism at the instigation of Hamilton’s drivers. Vettel has also repeatedly campaigned for climate protection, for example.

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