despite the disappointment, the French supporters vibrated

The party had everything to be beautiful. Around 3 p.m., as groups of supporters gather at Belushi’s, a pub located on the edge of the Canal de l’Ourcq in Paris, the cries of joy and the clinking glasses of beer plunge us back four years. Overwhelmed servers take advantage of the pre-game to ring out the hits Freed From Desire of the singer Gala, which has become the official anthem of the French team in Qatar, or, for the most nostalgic, I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, the flagship song of the fantastic odyssey of 1998.

But from the first minutes of the match, the tension goes up a notch. The France team is overwhelmed by the Argentinian enthusiasm and bad faith takes hold of the French supporters. Like when the referee whistles a penalty for a foul by Dembélé on Di Maria. “He throws himself! », one of them protests. Lionel Messi converts the opportunity, and Argentina lead. Supporters are stunned. A group seated at the back tries to revive the atmosphere. One “Go Blues” sounds timidly. The twelfth man, although at a distance, must believe it.

Then comes another blow to the head. In the 36th minute, Angel Di Maria, again, crucifies Hugo Lloris with an unstoppable strike, prompting new cries of anguish. ” It’s not true ! », annoyed a young girl, adorned with the blue jersey with two stars. “What is this wooden tusk?” », shouts another.

A crazy scenario revives hope

The disappointed features will not leave the faces of the supporters until half-time. Outside, smokers dissect this completely failed first period of the Blues, pointing out any errors to be erased while chaining cigarettes. “Frankly France is doing anything, they are not in it”, analyzes Alexander. “Deschamps has an interest in pushing a mouthful”, abounds his friend Fabien.

The match resumes, and doubts remain. The French team seems lost, as are the customers of Belushi’s. Of the ” But it’s not possible ! » or “You worry too much Kylian, stop! » are heard in the room, with each failed action of the long-awaited savior. But the native of Bondy has not said his last word. Ten minutes from the end, the striker gave hope to an entire country by scoring twice in a few seconds. “But yeah! »gets carried away a young woman. “Come on, I knew it! », abounds another. The supporters find colors. Customers kiss, dance, scream.

“It’s cool, but it’s not played, I feel that Messi will answer him! », believes Theo, blue jersey pegged to the body. Good prognosis for the neo-analyst. The brilliant Argentinian puts the Albiceleste back on track by scoring the third goal. But again, Mbappé scores again. Triple for him. “We have the best player in the world, that’s all! », shouts a fan, almost standing on the bar.

Three everywhere. The fate of this 22nd World Cup will be decided on penalties. Faces tense. The exercise, cruel, turns in favor of the Argentines. Cries of disappointment accompany the crestfallen faces of the French supporters. “We don’t deserve this! », laments one of them, slumped in his chair, a half-full pint in his hand.

sad evening

The contrast is striking. On television, images of euphoric Argentine players. In the bar, the atmosphere leaden. The rustle that accompanies the end of the match and of this World Cup is made up of groans of despair and the sound of glass tapping nervously against the tables. “You have to give way to others, sometimes”, tries Theo, a bit annoyed. With his blue-white-red paint dripping on his face, Florian, glasses still covered with fog aimed at his nose, tries to put things into perspective: “All the same, a 4th final in twenty-five years is strong. “At least Messi will have won it”abounds another supporter.

Guillaume seems on the way out. He tries to entertain his comrades: “Well, we’re not going to the Champs, I imagine? » Judging by the few friends around him who are grabbing their big winter coats, we guess that the group is preparing to make their way home, probably sooner than they would have hoped.

“Fortunately the Christmas holidays are starting, it would have been hard to work tomorrow morning”, Malika sneers. The pub empties. The smokers return to their neighborhood and try, unreasonably, to replay the scenario of the match. Hearts vibrated despite everything. “What do I like about this team”, one of the waiters is moved. “Even more today. And Kylian… he will have his revenge! »


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