Confirmed 11: out Lautaro, in Julián and Enzo

Scaloni had advanced that there could be changes but in the end he will do more than was expected. At first three modifications were outlined, but the coach surprised: out Lauaro Martínez, in Julián Álvarez, who will have his first game as a starter in a World Cup.

The other important and important change is the entry of Enzo Fernández, key against Mexico and a good game against Arabia, for Guido Rodríguez. And then the two changes that Olé had already advanced: Molina for Montiel and Cuti Romero for Lisandro Martínez.

There are, again, many changes. When last Saturday he had entered five variants, now the coach will perform four. These are the 11:


Molina by Montiel

The right side continues to be a position without an owner. Although Molina seemed to win the fight against Montiel in the last half, his weak performance against Arabia opened the door for the former River against Mexico. He didn’t take advantage of it either. Without weight in offense, Scaloni ended up changing him precisely for the former Boca, whom he would now put back as the starter. The other option for the position, Juan Foyth, was relegated due to his poor performance in the friendly match with the Emirates. Although his name just sounded like his in the preview.

Rosemary by Lisandro

Cuti, physically better after the weak debut in the World Cup, where he was seen out of distance, has the chance again for his friend and roommate. In this case, the change is mainly due to height, since with the Cordovan he gains ten more centimeters (1.85m against 1.75) to combat the Polish passing game, focused on Robert Lewandowski (1.85). Later, it is clear that the coaching staff wants to give Romero a chance, whom he considers one of the essentials, to gain rhythm and confidence so that, in the event of qualifying for the round of 16, I would arrive at the mata mata in a better position.

Enzo by Guido

Enzo Fernández, who arrives with confidence and in a great moment. The former River is the player of the National Team who, together with Messi, is better. But the DT also explained that both he and the Juve midfielder have “similar characteristics.” And ultimately, the one from Benfica gave him solutions by entering from the bank, a letter that perhaps the DT wants to keep. Finally, it was played by Enzo to replace Guido Rodríguez.

Julian for Lautaro

Last minute change. Lautaro Martínez is the starting nine for the National Team but he has been affected a bit physically and was there from the start in both games. Julián Alvarez, the 12th player of La Scaloneta, gets into a World Cup match for the first time.


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