Chaos about judo star Borchashvili: dispute with the association

Great expectations

“Shamil is a difficult guy, he knows that and says so. Yvonne Böhnisch also has sleepless nights. There are two sides to the story and often the problem lies in communication,” explains the association president. Borchashvili explained that he had no argument with Böhnisch, “it just wasn’t enough for me. But I get along with her very well.” In the new year he will work together with national coach Robert Krawczy. Borchashvili knows what he wants to achieve and wants to get the most out of it. “

No change of nations

At the end of my career I would like to say: This is Shamil Borchashvili and he gave everything and represented Austria in the best possible way.” According to the athlete, a change of nation is not an issue. “Shamil is a seeker, he is never satisfied and always wants to be better. He was unhappy on the day of the World Championships medal despite being on the podium with three world champions,” says Poiger, adding that Borchashvili is made of winner’s stuff. But that’s exactly what makes it difficult for him too.

“Shamil is an Olympic and World Championships medalist, he is world class. He wants to win tournaments and for everyone around him to give 100%. We are discussing at an extremely high level. A level where hardly any other summer sport in Austria is, you have to say that very clearly. Now it’s about communicating better and finding a way together where everyone can get the best out of it.” After the turbulent days in Austrian judo, Borchashvili is also looking positively into the next year: “I’m excited to see what the future will look like and I’m sure that we’ll still be able to celebrate great successes.”


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