Change of president during the season at Bourges Judo

He has experienced Bourges Judo tournaments! However, that of this weekend necessarily had a symbolic significance for Aurélien Brisset. “This is my first big event as president, but we remain in continuity,” he warns.

A member of the steering committee for fifteen years, he previously held the position of treasurer. A function which is also his on the expensive committee.

A new treasurer

Within the club, Nadia Poirette becomes the new treasurer. And Aurélien Brisset replaces Adrien Lecanu as president, who wanted to hand over for professional reasons, while continuing to work for Bourges Judo.
For now, the new president is pleased with the success of the club’s tournament which brought together more than 700 fighters, but which dragged on a bit on Saturday evening.

“It attracts a lot of people because it has a label,” he explains. We are on a big dynamic. All six mats were full. We had a little trouble finding volunteers, but all positions have been filled. »

The Vierzonnaise Maelenn Cotard signs a winning return to the Bourges tournament

This season, Bourges Judo has mourned the hiring of a fourth teacher – in charge of developing external activities – to refocus on its core business, in Bourges and the surrounding area. It has also raised the bar well after the covid break and now has nearly 500 licensees.
If the new president announces “that there will be no big changes”, he will nevertheless have to define a clear line on the high level policy of the club, its showcase.

The technical director of Bourges Judo, Ludovic Lebourles, and Aurélien Brisset in 2015.

Should we continue to aim for a simple maintenance among the elite during team competitions or go down a level in order to play the leading roles? “This only represents about twenty athletes at the club level, delays Aurélien Brisset. For the time being, we have above all the desire to remain a family club. »

Bourges remains a recognized training club, like the good results obtained recently by Sarah Bothy and Maeliz Salaun.

Three medals for the Cher judokas at the Bourges tournament this Saturday

Philip Roche


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