Adriano: soccer legend left by wife after 24 days of marriage | Sports

That worked!

Ex-Brazil star Adriano (40) was known for his merciless efficiency on the pitch. In 2005, the former Inter Milan and AC Parma striker was named the world’s top scorer.

But even during his career, the man with the thunderbolt caused numerous scandals and outcry. In 2015 he wanted to join France club Le Havre at the end of his career.

However, the move failed. How Adriano consoled himself? According to the Brazilian portal “Extra” with 18 prostitutes who cost the footballer around 15,000 euros.

Even after his career, the ex-national player (53 games, 29 goals) remains unpredictable. Especially in private life!

Just last month, Adriano married hairstylist Micaela Mesquita after a long-running up-and-down relationship. But just 24 days after the marriage, it’s over again.

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The reason is incredible: instead of enjoying the family happiness, Adriano preferred to watch the Seleção!

According to “Extra”, he drove to Vila Cruzeiro, a district of Rio de Janeiro where he grew up. With friends he watched the game between Brazil and Switzerland, which the Brazilians narrowly won 1-0.

Adriano only returned home to Micaela two days later. Too much for her! After an argument, the two stopped following each other on social media.

Mesquita deleted all photos she had posted with the former top athlete. After long discussions, the newlywed couple finally separated after just 24 days.

Stupid timing: A celebration with friends and relatives was said to have been planned for this weekend, which has now had to be canceled. Whether the two are finally separated remains to be seen. The couple had previously broken up and reunited five times.


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