A new Racing achievement! The Academy was promoted to Division A of the Cordoba Basketball Association December 2022

Racing’s institutional growth does not come only from football, but now they also celebrate from basketball.

Two promotions in two seasons, he achieved academic discipline in the local competition, the product of a great deal of work and a constant commitment by the club, which has now managed to reach category A of the Cordoba Basketball Association.

In 2019, those from Nueva Italia remodeled and gave a new life to Esatdio Carlos Egea, to which a floating floor was applied so that there are currently 170 players who nurture daily basketball activity in all categories, accompanied by technical bodies chords that include nutritionist and physical trainers.

Alejandro Caverzacio, General Sports Coordinator of the club, spoke with Showsport and highlighted the joint effort to have achieved this achievement at the end of the 2022 season. “It goes hand in hand with joint work. It was not the main objective at the beginning of the year, but the work began to bear fruit and we began to mark other horizons.”

“All the positive results have been given by the trust and support of the Board of Directors that had been there since before”he added.

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Look at the note to Alejandro Caverzacio


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