a gold and a bronze for Judo Sakura Arma di Taggia at the 2022 Italian championship – Sanremonews.it

With an impressive event that saw the participation of over 600 athletes from all Italian regions in the competition, the Fijlkam (Ju Jitsu sector) closed the 2022 competitive activity.

The competition, the Italian Class Championship, was held at the PalaPellicone in Ostia Lido (Rome) and saw an impressive participation of athletes who demonstrated how the activity, well organized, is in continuous expansion. The Judo Club Sakura Arma di Taggia brought into the competition two athletes who competed in the Fighting System specialty: the junior Elisa Antellini and the senior Diego Secchi. Their competition was conducted with skill and determination, so as to bring them to the podium, respectively, Elisa Antellini in first place in the female junior class up to kg. 63 and Diego Secchi in third place in the male senior class up to kg. 85.

The athletes were accompanied in the race by the Technical Teachers M° Andrea Molinari and Manuela Ferrigno who guide their preparation and who, very satisfied with the results obtained, commented: “The race rewarded the preparation made by our athletes during 2022. n this year the competitive work has been continuous, without interruptions and has already brought us excellent results, both in the women’s and men’s fields.Our goal is to continue training with serenity and consistency, so that in 2023 they are confirmed and, on the contrary, the results achieved so far have increased”.


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