6 athletes of the Women’s sport competition awarded

Image from askanews web site

Milan, 14 Dec. (askanews) – Young people, scholars and sportsmen who win at school and in competitions. There are six, three in the female athletes category and three in the para-athletes category, the winners of the sixth edition of Donna sport, the competition created by the Bracco group to support and enhance women’s sport combined with scholastic merits.

This year, 208 girls enrolled in the competition who practice a sporting discipline at a competitive level among those federated in the Coni and Cip fields and who attended a course of study in the 2021-2022 school year achieving excellent results. The average age of the young participants in the competition is seventeen years old, with a school average of 8.5. There are 42 sports represented. Among the most practiced, athletics, swimming, football, rhythmic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics stand out. The first three provinces of origin are Turin, Milan and Rome.

“In these difficult years, characterized by social distancing and long lockdowns, which have caused so many problems for our kids, sport has taken on an even more central role of aggregation, cohesion and social inclusion – said Diana Bracco in her speech, president and managing director of the group – And let me tell you that with its six editions ‘Donna sport’ has also achieved, in a small way, another goal: that of turning the spotlight on women’s sport. We are proud of this because in our country the presence of women in all disciplines still does not enjoy the right attention, despite the increasingly important international successes achieved by Italian female and para-athlete”.

Alessia Berra, paralympic swimming champion, and Arianna Errigo, fencing champion, foil and saber specialist, will bring their stories of sport and life to the young athletes.

The winners, from first to third place, are Maya Bagnato with downhill canoe, born in 2004, Cecilia Cristina Di Laora, pankration, women’s wrestling, judo, born in 2003 and Elena Ferracuti, fencing, born in 2000. In the Paralympic category, the winners are all involved in swimming are Maria Olga Magliano, born in 2004, Margherita Sorini, born in 2004 and Aurora Esabotini born in 2002.


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