World: Dembélé, Mandanda, Upamecano… In Évreux, the city of the Madeleine proud of its nuggets

La Madeleine, 15,000 inhabitants, large blocks of buildings at each crossroads. For Ousmane Dembélé, Steve Mandanda and Dayot Upamecano, it all started in this district of Évreux, which emerged from the ground in 1958, where everyone knows each other but which the rest of France generally only hears about after rodeos. urban. Under the commercial halls, Issa (some residents only wanted to give their first name) all smiles, is delighted to talk about these footballers who grew up with him: “La Madeleine has formed nuggets, we can say that. Three players from here have gone to Qatar, we are really proud of their exploits”.


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