World Cup in Qatar 2022: Survey: Half of Germans don’t want to watch a single game Sports

Large survey on the Qatar World Cup |

Half of Germans do not want to watch a single game

Exactly one week until the opening game of the World Cup in Qatar – and the anticipation of the Germans is limited.

In an INSA survey for BamS (1005 participants), 43 percent of respondents say they will not watch any game of the tournament. Among the non-watchers, 55 percent say they don’t want to support the World Cup in Qatar and are therefore ignoring the games.

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Source: IMAGE


The tournament in the desert has been controversial since it was awarded in 2010. More than 6,500 migrant workers are said to have died on the World Cup construction sites. Homosexual acts are punishable in the Muslim emirate. Qatar is also said to be financing Islamist terrorist organizations worldwide.

No wonder Germans consider awarding the tournament to the mini-emirate (about the size of Hesse) a mistake – 79 percent say the decision was “wrong” or “rather wrong”.

The game is still being played in Doha and the surrounding area. With the World Cup title for the German team? Just 17 percent of those surveyed believe that.

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