Vaccination against COVID-19 continues, despite rain in Tabasco

  • After a two-day break, nearly 100 citizens went to the permanent module in the Sports City to get vaccinated against the Coronavirus.

After suspending vaccination against COVID-19, for days off and despite the incessant rain, this Thursday, about 100 people went to the permanent vaccination module in the municipality of Centro, to protect themselves against the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health will continue until tomorrow, Friday, with the vaccination campaign, which began this week, in the basketball courts of the Ciudad Deportiva, in Villahermosa, and for this day, scheduled 310 doses of Pfizer and Sinovac, resulting in closing, 94 doses applied.

According to the licensed nurse, Maribel Fuentes Ovando, representative of the Central Health Jurisdiction, 150 Pfizer Kids for children from 5 to 11 years old were available this Thursday and 30 minors were vaccinated; Regarding adolescents, 60 doses of Pfizer were scheduled and 12 young people between 12 and 17 years of age attended to be vaccinated.

Likewise, of the Sinovac compound, 100 vaccines were made available, being able to apply 52 doses at the end of the campaign, to people who went for their first or second booster, in addition to those who did not have a history of biologicals.

The person in charge of the three anticovid modules, installed in the basketball courts of the Ciudad Deportiva, in the capital of Tabasco, observed that, despite the rain, parents took their little ones to get vaccinated, taking advantage of the fact that due to the weather conditions, classes were suspended.

Likewise, he pointed out that some people took the opportunity to apply the influenza vaccine, which is also applied at this venue.

The inoculation will continue this Friday, so those who have not completed their vaccination schedules, -even those who are not from the municipality of Centro-, are invited to come to this headquarters, from 8 in the morning to 2 in the late, having had breakfast, with your registration in hand and your INE or CURP identification, as the case may be.

The Health official recalled that if they test positive for COVID, they must wait 15 days, until they do not present symptoms, to be able to get vaccinated.


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