Unusual > Rune in Clermont-de-l’Oise for interclubs, it’s validated just like in …Bourg de Péage…

The Danish prodigy signed a license in the club of Clermont-de-l’Oise when he was 120th in the world and this in order to participate in the interclubs at the end of the year.

Winner of the Rolex Paris Masters, it would seem that he has not changed his mind even if he will probably not be able to respect his initial contract which provided for a presence in two home games as specified by the president of the club to Oise Hebdo.

« He will play a match, during which he will be aligned on a single and a double, But I’m not going to say which one for strategic reasons. Because the captain of the opposing team will react differently, if he knows that Holger is on the ground. Today the situation has changed, it’s true. He earned two million euros on the pitch in one year. But last year, he was unable to play interclub because of an injury. He therefore agreed to play a meeting with us in 2022.“explained the club president who has a women’s and men’s team in ProA. To achieve this, it relies on a budget of 200,000 euros.

It is also specified that Holger Rune is still announced at the Open Markal de Bourg de Péage which will take place from December 9 to 11.

Obviously Holger’s mother had prepared a little tour of France for her son at the start of the season.


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