UNICEF Tournament of the Oltretorrente Group | Baseball Mania

Last Saturday, November 19, the Oltretorrente baseball and softball group organized the 32nd “Unicef” pre-baseball softball indoor tournament at the “Toniolo” gym in via Pelicelli in Parma. The baseball and softball schools of Sala Baganza (first place), Langhirano (second place) and “Centromac” Parma 2001 (third place) took part in the event, sponsored by Conad Largo Visconti. Michele Reverberi, new president of Parma 2001, a company of the Oltretorrente baseball and softball group, attended the team awards, emphasizing the long-lasting collaboration between the gialloblù group and the provincial committee of Unicef ​​of Parma.

All the formations, at the end of the awards, donated a contribution to Unicef ​​programs.

The “Veryant” minibaseball prebaseball tournament will take place at the Codogno sports hall on Sunday 4 December 2022. The event will be attended by children born between 2017 and 2013, i.e. between the ages of 5 and 9, or even those born in 2011/2012 who have just started playing. The matches will last 45 minutes. Throw the manager, rubber bats and incrediball balls not allowed stolen, the defense / attack change takes place after 3 outs or 4 points scored. 6 participating teams: in group A Codogno, Crocetta and Junior Parma, in group B Old Rags Lodi, Oltretorrente and Milano 46.

The Oltretorrente program includes the match against Milano 46 at 11:30, and against Lodi at 13:10. At 2 pm 5th place final, at 2.50 pm 3rd place final, at 3.40 pm the grand final for 1st place. Prize giving at 4.30pm.


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