to them the organization of the Italian championship 2023

More than a month later, the emotions of the Rinehart World Archery 3D Championships 2022 are still alive in the hearts and minds of the many people who contributed to making the event organized by the City of Terni Archers unforgettable. So, to say “thank you” to everyone once again, the company of the president Stefano Tombesi organized a convivial event at the Archery Training Center in via del Centenario.

At the appointment, in addition to the many volunteers who worked on the organization and development of the world event there were, with the technical director of the Italian national team Giorgio Botto, also the home athletes: Sabrina Vannini and Nicola Kos, both winners of a bronze in the world championship.

For Sabrina and Nicola, September was a magical month having also won the Italian title both in the individual and in the mixed team. “I am very happy especially for the medal I won paired with Nicola. For us it was the first time together. Personally – says Sabrina Vannini – I would have liked to win gold in the World Cup, but a medal is still a good recognition ”.

“For me it was an extraordinary month – comments Nicola Kos – from the bronze medal to the first world championship to the gold medals of the Italians: everything is still so incredibly beautiful”.

The evening also served to collect the compliments of the president of Fitarco and vice president of World Archery, Mario Scarzella: “Dear Stefano, you have organized an impeccable event. You were also prefect when you had to struggle with bad weather. When I saw the photos of Stroncone in the morning, I thought you wouldn’t make it and instead you were incredible in adapting this splendid structure you have to host the races ”.

The importance of having events of such great importance in the Terni area was underlined by the mayor of Terni, Leonardo Latini according to whom “sport is an element of great territorial promotion and we are ready to support the commitment of the companies”. Theme also re-proposed by the mayor of Stroncone, Giuseppe Malvetani, who said he was willing to host more events for the archers “as they were able to make the most of the image of our territory. For our part, we tried to do our best, with many people who made themselves available, to contribute to the perfect success of the event ”.

The organization signed by Arcieri Città di Terni was so appreciated that another important tournament was assigned to the Terni club. President Tombesi announced it: “The World Championship brought us the Italian 3D championship that we will have the honor of organizing and hosting in 2023. For all of us it is a further recognition for the great work done not only on the occasion of the World Championship. , but also in all the other events that have brought prestige to our society, to our magnificent territory as well as to Italian archery ”.


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