Tire change: What experts recommend when it comes to tires

Until mid-November, the temperatures were more like late summer. There was no thought of changing tires at that time. What does the expert say about this? Daniel Hill from the tire dealership of the same name on Schultenhofstraße has already completed 60 percent of his regular customers’ annual tire changes.

Hill: “So far this has been the quietest November we have ever had. Currently we can offer change appointments within a week or ten days.” A tire change at Hill takes about 30 minutes once the appointment is made. Work is done on five stages. The core business of the family business is buying and selling tyres, changing tires and warehousing. Most customers store their winter or summer tires.

Even though all-season tires are in vogue, accounting for about 40 percent of all tires, it’s still worth remembering that after 10,000km, tires need to be changed front to back. Otherwise, the all-season tires are worn out quickly, according to the expert. Purchasing all-season tires should always be a location-based decision. Even those who use their car frequently to a lot should opt for winter and summer tires.

When asked about retreaded tires, the specialist explains that there have always been major imbalances in the passenger car sector, which has led to complaints. He therefore only offers retreaded tires for trucks.

There are no long delivery times in the tire business, says Daniel Hill. It offers the four most common premium brands. “There are many cheap offers, but they mostly come from China.” At the beginning of the 2020 pandemic, there were four price increases in the tire business. Unfortunately, Daniel Hill has to point out that tires – like so many other things – are no longer getting cheaper. Many of his customers come to him to find out how long the car can still drive with little tread. He advises not to drive to the last kilometer and to take care of new tires in good time.

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