Three Claims From Amnesty International Over the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Case

Aremania Joint Team Documentation

TGA Legal Team member, Anjarnawan Yusky on Friday (14/10/2022) night at the Aremania Joint Team (TGA) Command Post, KNPI Building, Malang City.

BOLASPORT.COM – Here are three demands by Amnesty International regarding the Kanjuruhan tragedy after Komnas HAM released the results of the investigation.

Amnesty International firmly emphasizes the responsibility of the state in handling the Kanjuruhan Tragedy case after the Arema FC vs. Persebaya Surabaya match.

In addition, the trial was open to the public and severe sanctions were also highlighted by Amnesty International.

The following are some of the demands for the Kanjuruhan tragedy that were revealed by Usman Hamid, Executive Director of Amnesty International Indonesia.

1. Prosecute All Actors Involved

Usman Hamid said the results of the Komnas HAM investigation were not the end of the handling of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy case.

It actually emphasizes the responsibility of the state to resolve the tragedy of this human rights violation correctly and fairly.

“Bring all the perpetrators, all those involved, all those responsible to the court, without exception,” he said in a written statement received by KOMPAS.TV, Thursday (11/3/2022).

2. Create an Open Trial of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy


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