The Tavernes Basketball Club exhibits its strength

The Tavernes Basketball Club exhibits its strength

The Carlos Pellicer Municipal Pavilion hosted the presentation of the Tavernes Bàsquet Club teams and their coaches this past Sunday.

A club that has grown in all aspects as evidenced by the fact that it has 20 teams, 10 men’s, 7 women’s and 3 mixed that add up to a whopping 257 players, including 102 girls.

The event, which filled the Vallero pavilion, was attended by the mayor, the Councilor for Sports and other councilors of the Corporation, as well as the president of the club, directors and coordinator of Sports.

The local authorities and the top leader of the entity closed the act with their parliaments. highlighting the strength of the club in all aspects that has the support of the city council in the facilities and in their maintenance.


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