The goalkeeper Massa and the captain Cristina

The Minister of Economy always preferred to play as a goalkeeper

The last minutes of the game are played, already in stoppage time. The home team is losing by the slightest difference and, with a corner kick in their favour, they must decide whether to send their goalkeeper to head into the rival area in the hope of achieving a tie on the hour and forcing a penalty shootout. But the team captain doubts. She believes that if the goalkeeper neglects his own goal, a successful counterattack from the opponent could end up expanding his advantage and decreeing a two-goal defeat.

The goalkeeper who is willing to head in the corner is Sergio Massa and the captain is none other than Cristina Kirchnerwho seconded by a rude central defender, as maximum kirchnerhe refuses to take risks in the final stretch of a game that the Frente de Todos team has been losing and that shows him further and further away from the rival goal.

Is the ruling coalition resigned to electoral defeat in 2023? Would you prefer to continue living with annual inflation levels close to three digits rather than give a change of course in the economy that would allow more reasonable values ​​to be reached and begin to put the fiscal accounts in order definitively? Do you reject any 180-degree turn in economic matters that represents an adjustment, even if this attitude implies that Argentines cook on a slow fire?

Everything indicates that the strategy based on the continuity of the “Plan Aguantar” prevails for now over the alternative of a serious stabilization plan. It is clear that Kirchnerism does not conceive of the latter because it is not willing to lower the flags of populism. He prefers to fall with his boots on rather than risk further bloodletting of voters who have been moving to the traditional leftist forces, dissatisfied with the current government management.

Máximo Kirchner has just recognized this, when he expressed that “what the IMF does with Argentina is criminal” and again asked that our country renounce the agreement with the international financial organization.

The latest public opinion polls have indistinctly deepened the fall in the positive image of the ruling party figures, in the same way that they brought the perception of the government of Alberto Fernández to the lowest levels since his inauguration.

It is true that the ruling coalition is under siege from the left. But in recent weeks, something even worse is happening to him: He is beginning to lose voters to the ranks of libertarians from Javier Miley. she has recognized Sheila Wilkerdirector of the consultancy Trespuntozerofor whom, since October, Milei has been stealing votes from Together for Change and the Frente de Todos in almost equal parts, when months ago it only took one vote from the ruling party for every five votes that it subtracted from the political force of Mauricio Macri. “In recent times, everything Milei has grown has been at the expense of the official vote,” Vilker asserted.

If so, many ruling party leaders will have to rethink the strategy evidenced in recent statements by the presidential spokesperson, Gabriella Cerrutito hold the “right” publicly responsible for everything that can be done.


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