The ” basketnauta ” lands at the Aquila Store, Giorgio Gandolfi protagonist of ” Meetings with the author ”

TRENTO. The series of “Meetings with the Author” all’Eagle Store of course of Labor and Science: all Monday at 6.30 pm, an author of sports books tells his stories to fans.

After the nice evening with Marco Crespi and his engaging dive into the last year of Mens Sana Siena, Monday 14 November will be the turn of Giorgio Gandolfi: the Cremonese “basketnauta”, photojournalist on the NBA parquet in his youth, from 1987 to 1993 was head of marketing for Converse in Europe, then returned to Italy he directed the magazine I Giganti del Basket and organized hundreds of events and clinics for the ‘Euroleague and around the world (China, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Russia). Memories, interviews and unpublished stories collected in over 40 years of work in a book that does not lack anecdotes about the great characters of the NBA and basketball.

On Monday 21st the evening will be dedicated to a sport that has deep roots in Trentino, cycling: the guest is Maurilio Barozzia journalist who will tell in particular the story of the Giro del Trentino that has now become Tour of the Alps.

Engines will be the protagonists on November 28th, with Diego Alverà to retrace the Formula 1 of the golden years and in particular the 1976 championship challenge between Lauda and Hunt, which became famous thanks to the film “Rush”. So on December 5th Paolo Crepaz will wonder if sport is still a game, and on 12 December the key figure in the speech and book by Andrea Cassini will be Nba star Giannis Antetokounmpo.


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