suffers a lot and pays all-in on Lukaku

Inter are rediscovered as fragilewakes up wounded and projects itself on the immediate future (the next two matches against Bologna and Atalanta) with all the doubts of a past that he thought was buried. Hit and sunk by Juveas before from Laziodal MilanfromUdinese and from Roma: he scores and gets lost, the balance is up, ideas fail, fear rises, confusion grows and, ultimately, there is no reaction. The thrust of the four victories in a row in the league and the passage of the round in the Champions League suddenly ran out under the blows of Juventus concreteness: defense and counterattack, competition and malice (sports). All that was missing from Inter. The numbers, the more general ones, highlight the question better: Inzaghi’s team has conceded 19 goals, 16 of these outside the home13 in direct clashes with the teams that precede them (or who, like Udinese, are immediately behind them). In these same matches she only scored 5 times, on three occasions (Milan, Udinese and Rome) even going ahead and then being reached and overrun. Only with Juve you did not achieve, but wasted at least five occasions, three of which were mammoth in the first half. And this leads us to another front of fragilityoften not sufficiently highlighted: it is true that Inter takes many goals, it is equally true that it leaves too many on the street. Only a fifth of those scored (5 out of a total of 25) came against those who are now in front of the standings, only two of them by Lautaro (Lazio) and Dzeko (Milan): in big matches, not surprisingly all lost, in addition to the defense the attack was missing. Here then comes the Lukaku discourse. What does the Belgian have to do with last night’s knockout? It has to do with the sense that Inter are in this moment paying dearly for the all-in done this summer: he pays him unfortunately, injuries are certainly not foreseeable, but so much it is. On the altar of a wallet reduced to green, the Big Rom operation has in fact led to the sacrifice of every other incoming track: Lukaku is back, numerically replacing Sanchez’s planned exit, but Inter, which has staked everything on him so far, has never practically had it, reducing the number of forwards available to Inzaghi to three. Few, especially in a very excited start to the season. And now? Well, now as mentioned there are still two appointments before the break, but even in the face of a maximum effort of optimism, the programs must inevitably be revised downwards: doing well against Bologna and Atalanta serves exclusively to keep the bar fixed on the new minimum and vital goal. , that is to say the Champions placement. Talking about the championship is now misleading and above all totally out of place.


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