Skyliners Frankfurt: New signing Marcus Lewis is about to premiere |

Marcus Lewis is ready for his first appearance in the jersey of the Skyliners Frankfurt. The Americans almost ended up with the upcoming opponent Ulm.

Strictly speaking, Marcus Lewis already has his first game with the Skyliners Frankfurt safely behind him. The newcomer from the USA traveled to Bamberg with the team shortly after signing up. However, because he had not yet taken part in a single training session in Frankfurt, the shooting guard was not used at the 83:100. On Sunday (3 p.m.) against Ulm it should be time.

First Ulm knocks, then Frankfurt

Against Ulm of all places, one might say. Because: “I almost switched to Ulm,” reveals Lewis in an interview with hr-sport. There were talks with the people of Baden-Württemberg, who ultimately decided on a different option. However, via detours, Lewis ended up in the basketball Bundesliga.

The 30-year-old was last under contract with Czarni Slupsk in Poland, but was looking for a new challenge. A move to the French first division club Pau failed in October due to the league management, which refused the financially ailing club the transfer. About a month later, the Skyliners rang the winger’s agent.

“A completely different basketball”

“It was definitely good to get out of the snow in Chicago,” jokes Lewis, who hasn’t seen much of Frankfurt yet but is feeling more and more comfortable on the training court. “I get along well. I understand the offense better and better and how the boys play,” said the American. “It’s a completely different basketball.”

In Poland, it was mostly about creating iso-plays, putting a player in a certain one-on-one duel and then opening the way to the basket. In Frankfurt, coach Geert Hammink wants to “play a lot of free motion and a lot of dribble handoffs,” says the newcomer. The Skyliners rely on movement, passing and ball transfers on offense to create a free throw. The change is immense, admits Lewis. “But I’m getting used to it.”

A team player, not a shooter

The first signing of the season is one that continues to build on the Skyliners’ strengths. Lewis defines himself through his strong defense and sees himself as a team player. He is not a classic shooter, as the term Shooting Guard might suggest. Of course, he should still score a few points per game with the Skyliners. In Poland, the average was a strong 12.8.

This will be all the more necessary against Ulm as top scorer Martinas giving, who will leave the club, is no longer available. And because Lorenz Brenneke’s adductors offer little or no hope of a game, the Skyliners will have to play a lot of small ball again against Ulm. Means: move the ball quickly and well, create free shots and ideally hit them, so that the size disadvantage in rebounding is not too important.

A win on Sunday would allow the bottom of the league from Frankfurt to draw level with the Baden-Württembergers in the table. “I’m ready,” says Lewis.


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