Sinaloan Ana Lucía Álvarez falls in the first round of the Pan American Judo

PANAMA._ The Sinaloan Ana Lucia Alvarez did not have the best of successes in the Pan American Judo Championship Panama 2022by losing her three fights in the Under 13 Women’s category under 52 kilos.

Álvarez, who was making her debut in an international competition, had no luck against the Mexican Ana Villarreal, with whom she lost by an ippon (equivalent to 10 points) four seconds into the fight.

For her second confrontation, the Sinaloan faced the American Logyn Puahala with whom she also lost with an ippon at 1:53 seconds.

And in her last fight, she was more focused, but the Brazilian Luize Borges came out with her arms raised by getting the ippon at 1:31 seconds and the fight ended.


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