Quilmes visits a dangerous offensive «Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata

In his second game in a row on the road, with which he will end his first tour of the season, Quilmes will have a demanding visit to Zárate Básket on Monday.

The game, to be played at the “Carlos Vasino” stadium, will begin at 9:00 p.m. and corresponds to a new day of the Southern Conference of the Argentine Basketball League.

Beyond the good news of Atlético Pilar, a rival against which the “tricolor” has just lost this Saturday, 79 to 74, the commitment against the Zarateños appears even more complicated.

The team led by Juan Manuel Anglese has 6 wins and 2 losses, placing it in the privileged positions at this start of the competition. Of course, Quilmes also hovers around those positions, with a record of 4 hits and 2 falls, although those two missteps have been chained.

Zárate retains a good part of that team that achieved promotion from the Federal Tournament, with Facundo Pascolatt, Agustín Brocal, Damián Pineda and the experienced pivot Sebastián Chaine as fundamental pieces.

The latter, close to turning 36, is an unbalanced player for the category, and it will be very interesting to watch the duel with Tomás Nally, today, one of Quilmes’ determining weapons.

But limiting today’s game to that tremendous duel between insiders would be to minimize the ability to offer solutions that both have on the perimeter. For example, Luis Cequeira and Ezequiel Dupuy (although both improved in the complement) did not play well against Atlético Pilar and will try to reverse that image against Zárate.

Apart from the similar balance between wins and losses, there are some differences between the two teams. For example, the defensive performance is similar (Quilmes allows 74.0 points from his rivals and is slightly higher than Zárate, who allows 77.1). However, the big difference, at least so far, is seen in the offensive aspect. The “tricolor” averages 76.7 points in favor per game, while Anglese’s climb up to 86.5, the second best mark in the Conference, only surpassed by Del Progreso (87.5).

A vital question to take into account in the type of game that Luro and Guido will have to raise, since in the exchange of ball for ball their opponent will feel more comfortable.


Zarate Basketball: Facundo Pascolatt, Augustin Brocal, Damian Pineda, Emilio Polese Serafini and Sebastian Chaine. DT: John Manuel Anglese.

Quilmes: Luis Cequeira, Ezekiel Dupuy, Brandon Simpson, Gregory Eseverri and Thomas Nally. DT: Luis Fernandez

Estadio: “Charles Vasino”, by Zarate.
Referees: Fabricio Vito, Franco Ronconi and Bianca Tedesco.
Hour: 21.


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