Qatar admits paying supporters to praise the World Cup

Zapping Our Mondial PSG: Galtier’s cash response to Julien Fournier’s criticisms!

Qatar pays for supporters. In a few weeks, the Gulf country will host the World Cup. While the organizational conditions have been widely criticized for several months and calls for a boycott have been made, the latter have decided to allow fans to attend the competition for free. Indeed, Qatar confirmed this information to the agency Reuters. About fifty Dutch fans were thus offered flights and hotel accommodation to travel to the country.

On the other hand, the latter must publish positive comments on the organization and report messages criticizing it, after having signed a charter of good conduct: “As we approach the tournament, we have invited our most active leaders to personally nominate a small selection of supporters who will join us as guests, as a way of thanking them for their collaboration”. A decision that is likely to make people talk.


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