PSG: “Mbappé is still only 40 or 50% of his potential”, says Luis Campos

We know it. From Monaco, Luis Campos is very close to Kylian Mbappé. During a conference organized by the Portuguese League on Thursday in Porto, the PSG adviser felt that the 23-year-old striker could be even stronger.

“Mbappé is still only at 40 or 50% of his potential. And I tell him that every day. He can still give a lot more because he is a player who has not yet completed his training. There is the speed of maturation, that is to say that not everyone evolves at the same rate. Mbappé at 16 was already developed at all levels. Physically, he was very strong and had an understanding of the game worthy of a 26-year-old player,” Campos said during his speech.

The PSG football advisor is preparing to travel to Qatar to follow the World Cup which begins on Sunday. “I think it’s the biggest competition in the world, at least for me, and for the first time in history the players will be full, with pace and fresher than ever. It will be the most intense World Cup ever,” he added.


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