Osimo, the fencing project has obtained funding – Osimo News – CentroPagina

Rendering of the palascherma in Osimo
Rendering of the palascherma in Osimo

OSIMO – The Municipality of Osimo has been included in the Second Multiannual Plan of the interventions of the Sport and Periphery Fund. Thanks to an integration signed on 5 August by the then Undersecretary of the Department of Sport Valentina Vezzali, and recently registered by the Court of Auditors, Osimo’s proposal to build a palasque has obtained a loan of one million and 500 thousand euros, equal to half the cost of the entire work. Mayor Simone Pugnaloni states: “With this project Osimo will finally be able to equip a modern and multipurpose structure for associations that practice noble sports and which have made the history of the city, such as fencing and judo”. The project had already been sent last year but had not passed the first selection, except to return, thanks to the remodeling of the Under-Secretariat of State for Sport for five million and 900 thousand euros, together with four other Italian municipalities, Montegranaro, Forni di Sopra, Imperia and Bogliasco, as well as Osimo. Of these, almost six million euros, one and a half is destined for the construction of a new multidisciplinary gym in the area Bishopric.

The project

The project, carried out by the municipal architect Maurizio Gabrielloni, specifically plans to expand the current building that houses the changing rooms of the athletics track, with a body to the north interconnected with the old U-shaped building occupying part of the parking lot. The new facility will consist of two gyms. A large 900 square meter room equally divided for fencing and judo with an arch-shaped architectural roof with a maximum height of seven meters and 50 in the area where the sporting activity will take place, and of 5.50 meters in the side areas, where they will find space changing rooms and toilets, to take advantage of the sewer connection with the existing ones. A second gym, north of the main one, will be 172 square meters with a height of four meters and will serve as a multidisciplinary sports venue, also equipped with a service wing on the west side. Between the two gyms there is an entrance gate of about 30 square meters with a height of 3.70 from which you can also access a small space intended for toilets for users who cannot enter the gyms, equipped with toilets for the disabled.


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