Nike prepares an unexpected collection with ‘Jarritos’; this is how tennis shoes look – Chihuahua News – Entrelíneas

‘Jarritos’ will collaborate with the tennis brand Nike and this is how the new model looks fashionable.

Nike, the leading sportswear brand, is reportedly launching a special edition ‘Jarritos’ tennis collection aimed at fans of these soft drinks.

In this case, it is a brand resource, which has already been replicated by more companies that collaborate with firms for special launches.

Nike is well known for having collaborated with brands such as:

Louis Vuitton
However, it is surprising that Nike on this occasion ventures into collaborating in tennis with the soft drink brand ‘Jarritos’.

What do the Nike sneakers in collaboration ‘Jarritos’ look like?
Nike will carry out a joint event with Panama, where representatives of the ‘Jarritos’ brand will be included in their embroidered image on the sides of the sneakers.

In addition, the footwear will have brand details such as the well-known Nike brand dove and the green color of ‘Jarritos’.

As if this were not enough, the sole and different colors allude to the soda flavors of ‘Jarritos’, such as:

‘Jarritos’ is an internationally recognized soft drink brand
Although many in Mexico are perfectly familiar with ‘Jarritos’ soft drinks, on the other hand, in the United States it has earned a special place among foreigners and migrants.

So much so that in the United States some stores continue to sell ‘Jarritos’ in their glass presentation.

Now Nike will seek to get closer to that type of public that recognizes the brand and knows that “Jarritos, how good they are!”.

The beverage market would also take the initiative to launch these sneakers designed for commercial brands, as has happened on other occasions such as Dunkin’ Donuts.

Collectors will have to be vigilant, as the price and arrival date have not yet been announced, but many are already eager to obtain these ‘Jarritos’ sneakers

In addition, it is very possible that the value of the product will increase because it is a limited edition, and Nike fans will be satisfied with this collaboration.


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