National 2: its supporters were there, a resounding victory … Racing already at home in Versailles

At the final whistle, the Racing players rushed to their “Colombes Boys” supporters to share with them their resounding victory against the Rennes reserve (5-1). Usual scenes at home games. Except that Racing had to relocate to the Montbauron stadium in Versailles to end the season. Its historic Yves-du-Manoir stadium in Colombes is indeed under construction to host the field hockey events for the 2024 Olympics. From Saturday morning, arriving in a small van from the club, a dozen volunteers were hard at work to give a Racingmen color to the Versailles stadium left free because of its non-approval in National by the very ambitious local team, who left to play Jean Bouin (Paris XVI). Initially, Racing had asked clubs from Hauts-de-Seine to welcome them like ACBB or Issy.


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