Milan, brawl with stabbing in the streets of nightlife: an arrest for attempted murder

Milano violent. The Police, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Lombard capital, carried out an order for the application of a precautionary measure, at the request of the prosecutors of the VII Department, against a young Italian citizen seriously suspected of the crimes of attempted murder and aggravated brawl.

Milan, the investigation into the brawl of 30 September

The investigations, as reconstructed by the Adnkronos, conducted by the Flying Squad originated from the violent brawl, which took place the night between 30 September and 1 October last, which involved a group of boys in via Montegrappa a few meters from the intersection with Corso Como. Lasting a few seconds, the brawl had ended with the serious wounding of a Milanese, hit by two stab wounds in the chest, and of a Tunisian, hit by at least three blows to the chest and shoulder. The two injured, urgently transported in red code to the Niguarda and San Raffaele hospitals and subjected to emergency surgery, remained for a few days in a confidential prognosis and in danger of life.

The analysis of numerous videos

The reconstruction of the serious episode was the result of an intense and complex investigation conducted by the policemen of the Flying Squad through the acquisition of statements from people informed about the facts, analysis of numerous films, as well as technical activities. The investigative activity, currently in the preliminary investigations phase, has made it possible to accurately identify the salient phases of the violent brawl and to bring it back to a context of youth nightlife in which young boys, completely unknown to each other, for purely futile, provocative attitudes and phrases were exchanged.


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