Mets want slice of NBA rights pie for Wembayama

The “Mets” made this request during the November 4 steering committee, whose members decided “unanimously not to redistribute this financial contribution”according to the record of decisions.

Also included in the contract are the Leaders Cup, from February 17 to 19, between the eight best teams of the first leg, the All Star Game on December 29 and certain matches of the final phase. The LNB and NBA have refused to disclose the amount of the contract, which according to the management of the Metropolitans 92 “could have been more substantial”.

“We don’t feel respected”

The League has no obligation to transfer part of the broadcasting rights abroad to the clubs. But, she told AFP, the steering committee may decide at the end of the season to do so. “depending on the amount of marketing revenue” perceived.

After the decision of the steering committee of November 4, the management of the Mets explained to AFP to think about bringing a possible legal action. “but we will only do it if it has a chance of succeeding”. Or, “The League seems in its right to do so legally”, adds the management of Boulogne-Levallois, “surprised not to have been approached more closely”.“We don’t feel very respected”, we continue from the same source.

“The League presented the purchase as involving the entire Elite. But the NBA only communicates on Wembanyama, and its appeal (for the French championship, editor’s note) is just the consequence of the week we spent in Las Vegas. There is an ambiguity, we argue on the side of the Hauts-de-Seine club.


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