La Mañanera begins in Yucatan

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador kicks off La Mañanera from Military Air Base 8 on 66th Street in Mérida, Yucatán.

Presidential plane will be delivered to Mexicana de Aviación for travel rental: AMLO

The head of the federal Executive revealed that yes there are interested in buying the presidential plane; however, it will not be sold at a price lower than the appraisal, so it is already contemplated to give it to Mexicana de Aviación to be used for the rental of special trips.

“We have already made the decision, how the new airline will be, it will be handed over to Mexicana de Aviación for special trips. If they want to go to Europe or to another Continent, or from Mexico City to Tulum, to Cancun, they can do it, rent them for those who want to take their families”, he explained.

“You have to respect,” says AMLO after Banxico’s interest rate hike

After the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) raised its reference interest rate by 75 basis points, which will go from 9.25 to 10 percent, a new historical maximum in an environment in which general inflation moderated its growth during October, the president maintained that the government will respect the agency’s decision.

“The Bank of Mexico rate rose to 10 points, the Bank of Mexico is autonomous, we promised to respect its decisions. Sometimes we would like them not only to deal with, although it is important, the control of inflation, but also to balance taking care of growth, ”he said.

“All the facilities” will be given to march in defense of the INE: AMLO

After the venue for the march in defense of the National Electoral Institute (INE) was changed to the Monument of the Revolution, the President assured that all facilities will be provided so that the protest can take place without obstacles.

“Give all the facilities for this demonstration. If they do not go to the Zócalo and have decided to march to the Monument to the Revolution, they will be given all the facilities, it is a right that all citizens have, to demonstrate, which cost a lot to obtain, ”he indicated.

Mayan Train will have 20 stations and 14 stops, says Fonatur head Javier May, head of the National Fund for Tourism Promotion (Fonatur), reported that the Mayan Train will have 20 stations and 14 stops around its entire route. In addition, the 42 trains being built in Ciudad Sahagún will be hybrids and will have 249 wagons.

“Along the route there will be 20 stations and 14 stops, which are already being built. The manufacture of the 42 modern, comfortable, safe and environmentally friendly trains has already begun because most of them will have a hybrid system because they will be able to use electric or diesel energy”, he detailed.

Yucatan is the state with the least looting in the country, but homicide is on the rise

Governor Mauricio Vila reported that Yucatan is the state with the least amount of looting in the country, which is proof of the reduction in the incidence of crime. However, the Secretary of National Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, indicated that intentional homicide and extortion are on the rise in the entity.

“According to the data, Yucatan is the first place with the lowest crime rate in the entire country, (…) first place with the least looting, first place with the fewest victims of intentional homicides, first place with the fewest kidnappings, and first place with the fewest robberies. to vehicles,” he said.

With information from Millennium


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