José Alcántara leaves a good legacy to badminton in Morelos – El Sol de Cuautla

José Alcántara leaves a good legacy to badminton in Morelos – El Sol de Cuautla

On his way out of the Morelos Association of Badminton After more than eight years of work, former president and coach José Francisco Alcántara Cortés said he was satisfied with what had been done in the entity, leading Morelos from scratch to obtain relevant results on the national and international scene.

The Tabasco native confirmed that he had to leave the position for personal reasons when he was in the middle of his second term at the head of the Association that he started in 2016.

“I am out of state, I had to resolve personal matters, but now that they are resolved I am going to return to work, although I will no longer be in Morelos”said the popular “Che che” in an interview.

Just last October 22 the Institute of Sport and Physical Culture of the State and the Mexican Federation of the specialty protested the new board of directors to replace the one headed by Alcántara Cortés.

Interviewed about his sudden departure, the former leader answered “these were questions of a personal nature, fortunately everything is fine, everything is in order.”

I assure you that you will continue in badminton, but now outside the entity taking courses by the Federation itself, “At the moment I don’t have a job within, but I continue within the Federation as a coach, I am tutoring a basic level badminton course, I am going to give it in different places in the country”.

The former leader recalled that he started working in Morelos badminton practically from scratch when there was no association: “In 2014-2015 it was the beginning, by 2016 the association was formed and so we began to break stones so that today it is a state where badminton is already practiced more and has a little more projection”said.

In those beginnings, the racket sport began to be practiced and taken to national and later international levels: “Important achievements began to be obtained, such as the historic medal that was obtained in 2021 as well as this year at the Conade National Games, and the attendance at the Junior Pan American in Acapulco with the obtaining of another bronze medal, which means that it has been working well, and I have no doubt that the next management that is in place right now will work in the same way to continue projecting the boys at a national and international level”commented.

Morelos, he added, with that work appeared on the national badminton map where it had never really existed, “And that is the most important achievement, that badminton already exists in Morelos with good athletes.”

At the moment he added that it is being analyzed to which other state I can get to work the discipline, “To do what I did in Morelos, a place where this sport does not exist, and start working on it as a coach, I will also continue with the courses and apply some clinics in municipalities and states; I am definitely not in Morelos anymore, I will not be there anymore, maybe I will do training, but my horizon is somewhere else”he concluded.

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