Isola delle Femmine and Pittsburg united in the memory of Joe Di Maggio – Tele Occidente

“Isola delle Femmine and Pittsburg united in the memory of Joe Di Maggio” is the initiative promoted by BCsicilia, Friends of Isola delle Femmine and Isola Pittsburg Forever on the anniversary of the birth of the great baseball champion with family roots right on Isola delle Femmine. For the occasion, in the Joe Di Maggio House Museum via Cutino, 14, in addition to the story of the champion who was also Marilyn Monroe’s husband, you can admire photos of fishermen from the Island of emigrants between the 19th and 20th centuries chasing, like the Di Maggio family , the American Dream. It will be possible to visit the exhibition, with free admission, from 25 to 27 November 2022 from 10.00 to 13.00 on Saturday afternoon from 16.00 to 18.00. For information and reservations Tel. 320.9089061.

Joe DiMaggio, to whom the House Museum is dedicated, is the greatest baseball player of all time, born on November 25, 1914 in Martinez, a small town in California, of parents originally from Isola delle Femmine. The story begins on 9 December 1897 when they got married in the village church Maria Santissima delle Grazie. The first daughter Adriana was born in Isola on 11 September 1898, while her father was away because he left with a group of fishermen for California to see if that was a land that could improve their lives. In 1902 the whole family moved to Martinez. Giuseppe Di Maggio and Rosalia Mercurio in America will have another 8 children, the penultimate born on November 25, 1914 will be called Giuseppe Paolo Di Maggio, in English Joseph Paul Di Maggio, for all Joe Di Maggio, unforgettable baseball champion of the 30s and ‘ 40 and husband first of Dorothy Arnold and then of Marilyn Monroe. “Today there are probably few – says the President of the local branch of BCsicilia Agata Sandrone – the boys of Isola delle Femmine who know the story of the great Joe Di Maggio. The aim of the initiative is to arouse, through the story of the legendary baseball champion, interest in the past of Isola delle Femmine and enhance the town from a tourist point of view, offering new opportunities for economic development”.


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